Veiled Encounter

Archon found himself in a bewildering place, surrounded by an intense aura of cursed energy.

Confusion and concern flooded his thoughts as he tried to comprehend his current predicament.

"Where am I, and what is with this intense cursed energy?" Archon voiced in confusion, his tone filled with bewilderment and concern.

The lingering presence of the mysterious corpse in the vault hinted at its involvement in his sudden displacement.

Determined to find an escape, Archon began to cautiously explore his surroundings, he was making pretty good use of his eyes scanning every corner of the eerie place, only to discover a lack of any discernible exit or change to the scenery no matter how he looked at it, how long he walked the scene was exactly the same.

After some time frustration mounted as he attempted to employ his unique eye ability, hoping to unveil a hidden path, but to Archon's suprise he wasn't able to, or even use any of his abilities in this place.

"The gods must have a twiste
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