Chapter 140: A Savior for the Treasure

A home for the Valkyries.

Lubbock had said those words. And I knew then that Valhalla wasn't a barracks to prepare soldiers. It was a place to protect. But what I didn't know was what exactly it was that we were trying to protect, that Lady was doing her utmost to save.

A treasure like that. I wondered what something like that would amount to.


We were rudely awoken the next morning, by some noise downstairs. Without getting dressed, I poked my head out of the room I was sharing with Lubbock. Sight and Claire were in the next room over. Lubbock had already gone downstairs and there was quite a commotion now.

Sight appeared out of his room, dressed and ready to move.

"Mornin' boy!", he acted as if he couldn't hear anything.

"Sight, what's that noise downstairs?", I asked.

"What noise? Oh, probably some drunken men! Things you see in pubs like this, boy, you'll get used to it."

Except t
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