Help Me!

“What happened to you two?” Sexy was curious about me and Lily when she noticed that we were both quiet and not paying attention. We were currently eating breakfast at a coffee shop while I was with Sexy, Lily, Demon, and Cloud. Only Alpha was not here because at this time he prioritizes exercising and values ​​his muscles more.

I simply glanced at Lily because I remembered what happened between us last night, and it looks like she was still mad at me.

 What should I do to make her forgive me? I whispered in my mind when I suddenly turned my gaze to Sexy where she caught me staring at Lily. Because of that, I immediately looked away from her and looked down at my plate. I don't know, I was suddenly nervous, so I accidentally dropped the spoon and Sexy simply smirked.

I suddenly felt clumsy, and I couldn't understand why I was so nervous in front of all of them.

Furthermore, I was about to pick up the spoon I dropped, but by chance, Lily also picked it up, so what happened was that we bent down and held the spoon at the same time, and our eyes met each other. But I immediately let it go because I felt a spark in her stare at me and my heart suddenly jumped with joy. So, before they even noticed us, I immediately stood up and left the coffee shop while they were looking at me in wonder.

“What's going on with him? Why do I seem to notice that his actions are strange?” Demon asked the three of them but no one responded to him, but Sexy just smiled and shook her head.

When I went out, Alpha happened to come inside. We both looked at each other while he looked at me in astonishment, but I immediately left and went out. I just take a deep breath there while placing my hand in the chest where my heart is.

“That's almost,” I whispered to myself.

“Which one is almost?” I was surprised by the woman's voice that I heard while her chin was resting on my shoulder. In my shock, I almost pushed her hard, but luckily, she got away from me right away. I realized that it was Winter and I stared at her for a moment from head to toe where I noticed that her clothes were simple, unlike the last time we met when I could hardly see her face. But now she looks fresh and lovely. In addition to that, I just now realized that she knows how to smile, and I just now saw her draw a smile on her lips again. Since Celine and I broke up, I have never seen those sweet smiles on her lips. The expression on her face was always as plain and blank as when I first saw Winter.

“What are you doing here, and why are you always there where I am? Just admit it to me for a moment, are you following me?” I asked her as she raised an eyebrow at me and grinned.

“What did you say? Why would I follow you, and who are you for me to follow a coward guy like you?” She said at the same time crossing her arms.

“So is Demon your looking here?” after I said that, she quickly came to me and covered my mouth, but I immediately removed her hand.

“Don't be noisy because he can't know I'm here now.” She replied at the same time I put my two hands in my shorts pocket.

“And why can't he know? Why are you hiding from him? Maybe you did something wrong with him, right?” after I said that, I lowered my face and brought it closer to her while she grimaced looking at me, but it was obvious from the expression on her face that she was irritated with me.

“Just lower your voice.” She said with a forced smile on her lips, but her two fists were clenched. I smiled when I saw her little fists, and I suddenly remembered what she did to me when we first met.

“Why? Are you going to hurt me again as you did to me before?” I whispered to her and brought my face closer to her even more, without realizing that I was so close to her that I could almost feel her breathing.

She stared at me for a few seconds before she raised her fist and was about to punch me, but I quickly grabbed and stopped her cute fist. I smirked to insult her even more, but she grinned and quickly raised her other fist at the same time she pushed me so hard that I almost sprang up and hit the wall.

With the strength of the force she released from me, I almost buried myself in the wall, but the people passing by just looked at me because it seemed only natural to them to see a person flying and buried in the wall.

I felt like my back was bruised by what she did, so I couldn't walk properly as if I had a big stone on my back. I looked in Winter's direction and noticed that she had suddenly disappeared. Furthermore, I saw Demon leaving the coffee shop, and maybe she knew that they were leaving, so she immediately left.

“Oh, what happened to you, Zdk?” Sexy asked me, and they all looked in my direction with a trace of astonishment on their faces. I didn't respond to her right away because I saw Winter not far away from them, and she was waving at me. I was about to point her direction, but suddenly, she disappeared like a bubble.

How does she do that? As if she were suddenly transported to another place. What magic does she have, and how could she push me so hard? I whispered to myself as I looked down at my hands which knew nothing else to do but scratch the back of my head.

I didn't tell them, especially Demon, about Winter. Furthermore, I don't even know her reason, but for me, Winter is still Celine. It's still a big mystery to me how she ended up in this game and why she doesn't even remember me. Did she come from the real world, or is she just a glitch or included in the program of this computer game?

While we were walking, I suddenly stopped when I saw a familiar dog from not far away. “Whisper.” My eyes almost widened in shock when I saw my dog, a Belgian shepherd, while it staring at me.

“Whisper!” I was so happy that I rushed to him, but suddenly, he ran, so I chased him while they kept calling me. I didn't stop or look back at them, I just followed Wisper until I came to a dark alley. He entered there and it was so dark that I couldn't see anything. I stopped and slowly went inside.

“W-wisper?” I stammered because the darkness of that place was terrifying. While I was walking, I suddenly heard a dog barking. I thought it was Wisper, but I heard even more growling as if he were not alone there, but there were many of them. I just stopped when I saw some of their glowing eyes looking at me angrily.

“Don't come near me, just stay there,” I said to them as I slowly backed away. But they are getting closer and closer to me, and I can see their faces little by little. They are both Belgian shepherds, and it has multiple Wispers.

“Don't worry, I'm leaving right now, so don't go out there, okay?” I trembled and said to them at the same time I swallowed deeply from being so nervous. I don't understand why I followed that dog and why I expected that Wisper was the one I saw, even though I knew that a dog doesn't know how to use a computer.

Furthermore, I tried to calm them down, but their mouths were drooling as if they were very thirsty and hungry to eat fresh human flesh. I turned behind me to make sure if there were other people or if my friends were there, but I was the only one there. So, I have no other choice but to fight them alone. I'll just assume it's part of my training, and it's just a test for me.

That's why I took out a weapon in my hand, were an ocean blue lightsaber sword came out. This is the first time I've ever held a cool sword like this, and it's different from the sword I've used before. It's light, but I can feel the warmth of the blue light. It looks like it can melt anyone, so I kept it a little away from my face because it might burn my handsome face.

“Come on and fight me!” I called them with a smile on my lips.

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