Chapter 17: The Abyssal Council

In the heart of the ethereal realms, Lucas stood before the Abyssal Council—a gathering of spectral entities that embodied the dual nature of shadows. Their forms, ever-shifting between ephemeral wisps and twisted visages, hovered in a spectral chamber that seemed to transcend the boundaries of space and time.

The Abyssal Council spoke with a chorus of haunting whispers, each voice a manifestation of ancient sorrows and forgotten regrets. They acknowledged Lucas as the chosen one—a mortal tether that disrupted the delicate balance between redemption and damnation in Ravenswood.

"We are the echoes of despair, the remnants of shadows that linger in the cosmic tapestry," intoned one voice, resonating with the weight of centuries.

"The ley lines weave the tale of Ravenswood's struggles, and you, chosen one, carry the burden of choice," added another, the words echoing through the ethereal chamber.

Lucas, surrounded by the enigmatic entities, sought to understand the cyclical nature of Rav
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