“Wait! Can he see or hear us?!”

Etanai suddenly raised his hand and intense whips of blue lightning blasted against the nearest wall. “Who are you?!”

Lightning cracked off the tips of Etanai's fingers, his eyes darting around the cell as he sought out answers to what was going on. Two presences had set off his sixth sense, and yet, no figure could be seen.

"Meadow, I think he can hear us."

“Shut up, Shall! There’s no way…”

Etanai's ears followed the sound to the wall opposite the one he had blasted and he released another trail of lightning that sent the concrete wall flying everywhere in splattered rocks. "Star blast!" He had never felt a looming sense of danger as he did at this moment. He felt a false sensation of pins down his back; these two presences reeked with fearsome auras.

“Ha! Told ya, Meadow!” The first voice – a squeaky yet masculine tone – let out.

It was then Etanai picked up on a movement. He dissipated the lightning whips and rushed to activate the switch function o
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