End of the first Chapter.
He immediately slaughtered everyone who dared stand in his path as he made his way to the goblin king after slaying the minotaur commander. The system prompts, [Why should you jump into the middle of their war instead of finding Gura?] He laughed and responded, “I want to join the fun, you know,” after reading the prompt.

He made a hand motion to signal to the system that it was unnecessary to be concerned at all. The system inquired, [Do we need to save her now?], and he said, “No, she's already been saved and safeguarded from the very beginning.”

This perplexed the system even more, but instead of asking further questions, it became silent. While the man in question was enjoying himself by massacring the monster within his reach, the system activated more talents to defend and aid him.

The system had no opinion, but it was pleased that it could assist, and even if the guy was an awful and twisted killer, it was still wonderful. It would be tragic to see his trash sorted around the wo
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