Unknown Creature

Elite goblins and hobgoblins were gathered in the middle of the battlefield when a swarm of elite minotaurs plummeted from the sky one by one.

The goblin army was alarmed by their unexpected presence. Caught off guard, the goblin king hastily ordered the attack with his entire army, leaving just a few brave guards and even one brave wizard behind him. Unaware that their destiny was sealed that night, they stood there helplessly, powerless to save them.

The minotaur general, who appeared to be the most terrifying monster in the forest, let out a loud roar as he plunged head-on into the goblin army, his armor clanging and scraping across the stone floor. With each swing of his battle axe, he slashed at the goblins and killed several more, leaving much more hurt than dead in his wake. He battled fiercely like an ancient warhorse.

The minotaur kept going, brandishing death at his foe. When he swung his battle axe, he brought more dead victims into the fray, until the weapon was dripping with blood and reeked of a metallic stench. He didn't give a hoot about how many goblins he was killing as he advanced. It was just another day on the battlefield since it was only a combat against goblins, and he was fearless of their magical assaults.

He maintained his unrelenting assault until all of a sudden he stopped. As he comprehended what was going on around him, his face twisted in disbelief. Instead of the goblin that had been in front of him, a new monster had appeared. Nothing about it resembled any beast that had ever been observed before. A human-like creature dressed fully in black, sporting a bird mask, odd circular spectacles, and a scarf that is flapping in the wind

Its spectacles, which were blazing an unusual yellowish color and were directed directly at the minotaur general, were not the only thing that stuck out. The minotaur general's back began to shiver as panic crept up inside of him; he was paralyzed from head to toe.

He was dumbfounded as he looked into the predator's eyes and struggled to muster the courage to confront the being. He could feel his strength eroding minute by minute, and if this creature moved any closer to him, he would soon be gone.

He felt himself being trampled under these things' feet and started to hyperventilate. He wanted to scream for help, but he knew no one would hear him. The thing moved gently toward him, sometimes altering its position.

The minotaur was lifted off the ground when his hand gently lowered and quickly closed around his waist. As the minotaur's blood was drawn from his body by the keen blade, his breathing became labored.

Screw asking while observing the minotaur general in agony, “Oi, dude, are you okay?” Suddenly waking up, the minotaur discovered himself in the middle of the conflict. He immediately felt for his waist to see whether it had been torn apart, and when he discovered that there were no scratches, he exhaled in relief.

He remarked, astounded that this minotaur general was smarter than the others: “Are you dreaming while fighting?” “You've got guts, eh?”

An opening is created when Screw unexpectedly snatches something in the air. He produced a large scythe from that location and used it as a spear. The minotaur general grabbed his combat axe and attempted to block the scythe as the man shouted, “Ready or not, here I come!”

They collide with a resounding clang. The two push off and start to circle each other as they wait for the right opportunity to strike. Screw is grinning evilly. He can almost taste the need for blood. He only wishes the beast wouldn't become enraged.

An eyebrow was raised by the minotaur. He takes another swing of the scythe and remarks, “You sure seem ready for battle.” They cross paths again in midair and battle once more. Even when their blades are no longer in contact, the two continue to battle.

As the two go on, the air starts to tremble and crackle. The earth beneath them began to tremble as they came to a standstill. As his armor began to come off, the minotaur roared. Additionally, his axe slid, leaving him defenseless against the ferocious gusts rubbing up against him.

The minotaur trembled when a sharp northerly wind gust blew. The monster saw goosebumps developing on his skin. With his enormous axe, the minotaur pounced on the man. The blow causes sparks to fly everywhere, and some of them fall on Screw's clothing, where they ignite in little spurts along with the heat. Screw instant blocks and parries.

It slightly burns his arm, but because he is so accustomed to it, Screw doesn't mind. He keeps pushing the minotaur back until the creatures crash to the ground and land on a huge rock. The creature stands up and dashes toward Screw. He reaches up and grabs something, and another space breaks apart. Another scythe then emerges in front of him a split second later.

He quickly summoned the spirit of a black bear and dashed for the minotaur general while brandishing two black scythes. Screw effortlessly avoided the wide swing of the Minotaur's war axe. He then moved on, aiming at the neck of the general minotaurus. But the general of the minotaur foresaw his maneuver and bowed his head.

The first time the minotaur used his very own skill, [Mess with the Horn]*, the gravity in the entire area was doubled, which temporarily slowed Screw's mobility. The second impact of the talent attracted and retracted the invisible magicules and piles between its horn as he lost his equilibrium. With a single error, fatalities will be priceless.

The minotaur general fired a condensed energy toward Screw. The system prompt appeared: [Activating Skill: Shield Hero] A regular-looking shield manifested in front of it to block the enemies condensed energy.

The system prompt then vanished after activating [Disrupting Skill: Fire] after a short period of time, and an instant later, a few additional flashes of the skill emerged: [Explosive Explosion]. This skill was employed to make the Minotaur skill that was directed against him less effective.

The focused energy of the attacker blasted through the shield, but as the shield grew to cover it, the explosion grew weaker. It vanished completely in a matter of seconds, leaving just a few tiny particles of black debris on the ground. It was only visible to the naked eye for a split second.

He unleashed a four-word script, the blade of his scythe splashing purple energy hues that engulfed everything that ever touched it. “That's good, Alyssa, nice backup,” he began to rage towards the minotaur general, “Bless thy abandoned child.”

He slashed with both scythes, causing the minotaur to fall to the ground and scream in agony before slicing its throat.


In the eyes of a monster, it was a different perspective; when you're living in an old forest, every day is a battle for the strongest to survive. He was raised to be the strongest and the clan leader due to the way he has lived since infancy. He made every effort to change and become able to communicate with many different creatures.

For the life of a monster living inside, humans are rare or may be considered an extinct species because they never ever see a single hair of a human being.

But as a force of magical particles compacted inside the forest suddenly erupted, everything changed, and their impulse to escape, conceal, and flee as far as they could took over. This caused a turf war for monsters who were living deeper and suddenly emerged in the outer part of the ancient forest.

Before his dying breath, the minotaur saw a "thing" or a "creature" that he had never seen before. A hand that grabs everyone and throws them at the center of the enemy line.

Not only that, the "thing" joined the fray and had a bout till death. What the minotaur last saw was this creature being quick to jump at him; she held her weapon against his throat.

Through the gloom of her mask, she shot him a wicked gaze. She wore a black coat, and the blue scarf around her neck was flapping in the wind. Her eyes were like stars in a pitch-black hole.


“You wretched bitch, you dare ignore me!”

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