Bella's Faith

Bella and the girls were tracking Jinhoo's cell phone, so they are on their way to Jinhoo's location. Do-Yun found out about it from Julia so he too was on his ways with the boys. There would be more than just deities to watch them. Bitgaram was sure to record the epic battle.

When they arrived at the destination, they were surprised to see all the dead bodies scattered around. It was the same with the day Jinhoo attacked Geon resident.

"Is Jinhoo responsible for all these?" Julia asked the boys since them too have arrived. They couldn't find it in themselves to answer.

"What in my mind told me I could make a great rival for him." Josh muttered to himself as even him was astounded by what he saw.

"Let us locate him first, he might be in danger." Bella walked ahead. He didn't care if they saw Jinhoo as a monster, she doesn't care if he becomes a monster. She will accept him whatever he is.

They followed the trail of the bodies till they arrived at Ji Hoon's dead body. Min Soo ident
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