Boss Introduction

The limousine stopper before the company building. Cole stepped out and placed his phone in his pocket. He walked towards the reception.

The receptionist greeted him. “Good morning,” Beneath her voice he could sense the mockery and hatred she felt toward him but he ignored it and her as he stepped into the elevator.

He knew Justin would have arrived at the office so he went straight to meet him. Linds notified Justin of his presence. Cole did not really mind since he was still undercover and he did not want to draw attention to himself.

“You can come in,” Linda told him, avoiding his gaze. Cole went in and gave Justin a slight bow since he noticed Linda’s gaze on him.

She was watching him.

“You are dismissed,” Justin said and Linda bowed before walking out.

Cole sat down without Justin’s approval and he let out a sigh.

“You will be doing the introduction today.” He said first and Justin bobbed his head in agreement.

After a while of discussing some issues that were not pertaining to
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