New Enemy

Justin got a message from Linda that his attention was needed elsewhere.

“Okay, I am coming.” He turned to Cole and patted him on the shoulders before walking away. Cole knew that it was the plot of Marcus and Linda.

He shook his head and as he stepped into the place, the rest of the workers all rose to their feet but Marcus remained seated, not moving an inch to show respect.

Cole shook his head again. “If you at least hate someone, try to make it oblivious.” He said and Marcus rolled his eyes, a little bit ‘unmanly’ of him.

“You can all sit down.” He said to the rest of the workers. “I guess I would not have any issues with you since Marcus here happens to be a strategist and also possessed the qualification for creativity.” He added.

The rest of the workers shared a look. It was obvious in their eyes that they did not like the way Marcus was put in their midst.

He ignored them and since Marcus was not going to allow them to talk, he patted Marcus on his shoulders. “Looking forward
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