Threat and Death
Threat and Death

Cole did not say anything. He stepped out of the shredding room and went to his office. He kept the file hidden in the safe in his office. He had changed the password when he came because he knew Marcus won’t give up. And he would not say anything about the file either. He wanted to see what his reason was and why he wanted to destroy the files.

He was not going to show Justin yet. He knew that Justin respected Marcus and he would not want to be the sole reason Justin had to get rid of him.

He went to meet Justin in his office that evening. Sitting before him, Justin had dismissed Linda already so whatever they would be saying was safe.

“So why did Martin come to see you?” Cole asked. He had been thinking about the response since Martin did not say anything about his meeting with him when he came home but he had bragged from the beginning.

“He asked if it could be shifted since she was now engaged to you,” Justin pointed at him. “But I told him that that was what the ‘
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