135: Delusional father-daughter duo

Felix and Elsa got into the coffee shop and finally took a seat by the window side to receive a little breeze, given the stuffy crowd they had mixed with.

Elsa's eyes darted around the room, taking in the other patrons. She couldn't help but notice a group of men in suits sitting at a nearby table, their heads bent together in what seemed like a serious discussion. The whole place looked serious and professional.

They ordered for two cups of coffee, mistakenly omitting one for Quince. Then they started to wait for his arrival.

Elsa looked around, beginning to get nervous as she fidgeted in her seat. After all, she was going to meet Kingsley Quince, an esteemed lawyer in the city who had a reputation for being ruthless in the courtroom.

“Felix, what do I say when he comes?” she asked, sitting up straighter. Clearing her throat, she added, “should I start with, 'Hello, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Quince. I've heard a lot about your work and...'”

“That sounds forced and too sugar-coated
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