14. The Acting
Unlike the previous nights at J-House which was safe and quiet, there was a commotion in the grand building that night.

It wasn't between the reporters and Brian Jones' men, but rather two unlikely factions, Hector Jones and Connery Jones, were fighting on the ground floor of the house.

Both of them was very angry to each other so that Brian's men got difficulty to separate them.

"Let's get out of here!" Connery shouted as he tried to drag Hector, his brother who was standing there stubbornly.

"Who do you think you are? I want to stay here."

Connery glared fiercely at Hector, "What are you doing all this for? Don't embarrass the Joneses."

"What did you say for? To ask about the treasure, of course." Hector shouted back in annoyance at his brother's stupidity.

Connery looked around and saw that Brian Jones' bodyguards seemed to have been provoked.

"What treasure do you mean?"

"Simon Jones' treasure. How could I have a brother as stupid as you?" Hector said impatiently.

Connery sighed we
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