Chapter 80: The Handler Family Showing Off

Kristin and Anom were in front of a large, two-story building.

Gazing at the display cabinets visible through the glass, Anom realized that it was a bookstore.

"Let's enter." Kristin motioned for him to follow as she walked through the entrance of the store.

A moderate crowd was gathered on the ground floor, consisting mainly of adventurers and mercenaries. Practical experience was necessary, but it was also necessary to gather enough information and know-how before going deep inside the Zeru forest. The place was dangerous as it was; it would simply be fatal for the ill-informed.

Kristin seemed to know her way as she led them deeper inside the store. Walking through the rows and rows of shelves, Kristin stopped in front of one.

Anom saw her taking out a book with a hard cover. Leafing through the pages, she flipped to a seemingly particular page before dog-earing it at the top.

"All done!" Pressing it back on the shelf, she turned and smiled. "It was good, right?" she asked. "I learn
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