Love in pieces


A thousand years ago.

The twenty meters tall, five meters wide wooden double doors broke apart.

A manly figure dashed into the large hall with hurried steps. The heavy breathing of the figure, definitely not that of exhaustion, spoke volumes of how vexed he is.

In the middle of the large hall was a large and long wooden table with wooden chairs around it.

Spread beneath the spot was a woven carpet that had the embroidery of a bat that had three eyes, the symbol of the Tribunals.

Four figures occupied the chairs and were having a tete-a-tete on the table. They all looked young and youthful and a deathly aura that had a pressure that could kill a normal human, emanated from them.

They are the Primordial Vampire family known as the Tribunals. They are the elders of the Tribunals. They are the true Primordials of the clan.

The figure that entered the large hall earlier stopped by the table. He looked like a young man. But he isn't just a man. He's one of the true Tribunals. He
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