Chapter 11

Noah is taken to a large room in the basement. This place is the resting place of the security guard group. Noah was pushed into the room. He fell to the ground in a very strange position. Noah hurriedly crawled up. But just as he was about to get up, he was kicked on the ground with one foot. Everyone here saw Noah's miserable appearance and laughed. Humans have a very strange hobby. It's about seeing others suffer more than yourself. They will turn them into demons.

"Who is this?"

A person dressed differently from the security guards walked out of the smaller room. This is Paker, the captain of the security guard. He's in charge of running people and handling urgent matters. As he sat in his office, he heard a commotion outside so he went out to watch. He was angry. Now it's work time. Everyone has a mission. Why are there so many people here?

People think, "Oh no."

Leaving the position without the captain's permission is wrong. The captain is evil. He will punish those who make mis
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