Junior is jealous

A tote bag containing a laptop and a small bag that the woman slung across her body. Alana was ready with a little neat make-up to leave the house. He's looking for someone. Of course to ask permission to leave the house.

"Auntie, sorry to bother you. I just want to say permission to leave."

Evelyn who was busy with her plants nodded her head. She must have found it difficult to react normally to him. "Yes!" he said thinly and briefly without any friendly smile. Of course. He understood why the host acted like that to him. Alana took a step. He had a falling out with Junior but they didn't talk to each other. Of course because of their fight in the kitchen this morning.

Junior still saw that the woman opened her cell phone and then left with someone in a car. Holding the sponge in his hand is enough to indicate how hot the man's chest is with all his bad thoughts. Junior cursed a little by slamming the hose then went into the house for some unknown reason.

After a while the man came o
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