Chapter 172

Mrs. Celine stopped eating when she heard the news being broadcast on the television, which was on in the viewing room, which was attached to the dining room.

Zahra followed Axell to his room upstairs, even though she didn't know exactly what the problem was.

"Close the room; just lock it," said Axell to Zahra.

"Okay," answered Zahra obediently.

Axell sat on the edge of his bed and brushed his hair roughly. Zahra rushed into Axell's arms, leaning her head on Axell's broad chest.

Axell gently rubbed his wife's head and kissed the top of Zahra's head many times.

"I'm sorry; since we get married we always been full of problems," said Axell.

"The important thing is that we face it with grace and sincerity," answered Zahra.

Axell tightened his embrace.


Zahra's stomach growled.

Axell and Zahra suddenly laughed at the same time.

"You are hungry?" Axell asked, looking at his wife's face.

"No," answered Zahra.

"It's all because of mommy, as a result of mommy being reckless enough to as
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