Chapter 98: Exorbitant Bounty

At dawn three days later.

Ethan hurried to the Inn of No Worries as the tavern opened early as always.

Compared to three days ago, the atmosphere in Hampshire County seemed strangely tense. Occasionally on the main street, Ethan saw garrison troops marching by, and even saw many young men wielding large sabers or green blades wandering the streets with cold and severe expressions, glancing around from time to time, as if looking for something.

Ethan casually threw the Daniel Martin's head wrapped in white cloth.

The one-armed man in blue silently accepted it and threw Ethan a bag containing the Spiritual Stone in exchange, without any communication.

In fact, for more than two months, Ethan did not even know the name of this one-armed man in blue.

"Strange." Ethan was slightly startled when he suddenly found that the young waiter behind the one-armed man kept peering at him with a peculiar expression.

"Accept the task." Ethan said to the one-armed man in blue who had taken the he
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