Chapter 51

Xander fell to the ground once again, his body was screaming at him. Mark's body lay on the floor, and Adrian’s body lay in front of him.

He rested his head against the wall behind him and clutched his side once again. He looked towards where Hailey was sitting and saw her crouched against the wall with her legs tucked against her chest.

He used a larger part of his energy to lift himself up and move over to his crying little sister. She leans into him and continues sobbing. Xander felt terrible. Not just because of the pain he was feeling, but because of what his sister was experiencing.

She was barely thirteen and she had just killed a man and lost her father a day ago. He was barely holding on so he couldn’t imagine how traumatic it was for her.

He looked at the horrific sight in front of them, with Mark's body and Adrian tied up in the corner. ‘Things won’t get better as long as we are in this same spot.’ He thought inwardly.

He slowly got up and gently raised his sisters up in
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