

After a few weeks had passed by, life had quickly begun to go back to normal for some.

For others, major adjustments had been made. For one, Honch, Cya, Rosario, Sev, and Fiora had finally finished moving into the apartment complex.


"Is that the last box?" Cya questioned.

"Yes, no thanks to you!" Rosario hissed.

"Hey, hey, I helped by buying the decorations for our apartment!" Cya cried out.

"Tacky decorations, that is," Sev frowned.

"If you don't like it, there's the door!" Cya shouted.

"Oh, Cya, relax; she's teasing," Honch reassured.

"Though," he frowned.

"That lamp is rather tacky..." He mumbled.

"Not you too!" Cya cried out in frustration.

"Well then," Honch cleared his throat.

"If you three are ready and moved in, I suppose I shall be taking my leave then," he said.

"Take it easy, Honch," Rosario said, waving goodbye.

"See you later!" Cya beamed.

"Bye," Sev said with a smile.


As he arrived back at his apartment, Honch let out a sigh.

"Girls, I'm home," he announced.

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