Beneath the surface

Under the cover of darkness, a group of warriors gathered at a secluded spot within the city, their faces etched with determination and their eyes gleaming with the fiery resolve of their mission. Led by Azkia, they huddled together, their voices hushed yet filled with purpose.

Azkia, her gaze fierce and commanding, addressed her fellow warriors. "Our objective is clear. We must sever the orc supply line and leave them starving and desperate. The destruction of their provisions will weaken their resolve and give us the upper hand."

The warriors nodded in agreement, their anticipation palpable in the air. They began to strategize, pointing at various points on a map, and discussing the best locations to strike and set ablaze.

"We should target the main supply depot," suggested one warrior, his voice brimming with confidence. "Burning it down will create chaos and panic among the orc ranks."

Another warrior chimed in, "We should also focus on cutting off th

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