Chapter 311 : Lost Boys
A few years ago. Before the Battleborn prison was built

Living on the streets that are dirty and unknown to anyone is a challenge in itself for a poor child who has to think about his own fate every day.

Living on the streets also meant that something could easily take his life. Without looking at or caring whose life fate took it.

Including young people who are currently under police guard.

His hands were bound by handcuffs while he looked down in embarrassment because many people around him saw him.

Heavy police escorts surrounded him as if he were a high-profile criminal king who deserved punishment and also the judgment of so many people.

Maybe some people think that the crime he committed is a small crime, but some others might also think that he has been trapped by his own fate.

The boy, named Alex Chinos, was arrested when he was caught distributing drugs at his own school at the age of 15.

“Chinos” isn't his real name, but a nickname he got while selling the drug.

Because indee
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