12. Lightning Sword Knight

"You! Impossible!"

Cylorg was shocked; he trembled and stepped back.

squeak! squeak!

Cylorg's body was still shaking.

"Who are you?" Cylorg still couldn't believe it. His attacks couldn't even beat the small creature.

"I'm tired of playing!" Kenan drew his jagged sword.

Woosshh! clap!

"Go home in peace, ugly monster!"

Sword energy, flowing with lightning, enveloped Kenan's blade. Kenan shot out at full speed, his sword energy elongated, and he prepared to attack. Kenan swung his sword, and Cylorg, who saw the speed of the summoned beast's attack, prepared his two claws to hold the sword. He couldn't believe that his strong self could be toyed with by a lowly being.



Cylorg's ears lit up, sending energy up to his two massive wings. His two swords also flashed and greeted Kenan.

brushes! Boooom!

In the end, the energy was like an arcing rainbow with a glow. Kenan's attack destroyed Cylorg's giant sword; his flame wings were even shattered into pieces. Kenan pas
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