11. Cylord! I am the Strongest Being!

"Man! No, you are not from this world! Who are you?" said Cylorg, moving his head to the right and to the left. He sensed that the newly arrived creature had a different smell.

Kenan stepped forward, approaching Cylorg, who was now landing on the ground. Cylorg's body is huge. Kenan continued forward, gathering energy in his right hand. He advanced with a smile. This was what he had been waiting for the most—becoming a hero in an unknown dimension. No one here knows him; everyone only knows that he is a powerful being!

That is enough.

"Do you want me to destroy your spirit?" shouted Cylorg because he felt belittled.

Kenan kept going.

"I don't know your name, ugly creature. However, you are indeed at the right time. There's a place I can throw a tantrum! I'm in the mood to rage!"

"Unlucky! Forward all!"

Nine monsters that have wings of flaming fire have been defeated. The nine monsters lunged towards Kenan.

"You want to play with fireworks? I will serve him!" Kenan closed his eyes. Wro
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