104: Excitement

The storm cleared up the very next day, and the undead Luna floated up into the skies. There Corey contacted the owner of the cabin they had bought for their time there. The old woman was kind enough to direct them to place in the nearby woods with a lake to park the ship. Mikayla used her magic to shield, and reduce the size of the ship so it would fit into the lake. They packed their bags, and followed the old woman to the cabin. This was when Corey revealed a side of him that seemed to freak out about everything.

In a good way.

He wad asking the old lady about the cabin. The history of Armageddon, she revealed that she owned the library with the books that nobody could read.

"You do?" Corey question was one of many that he had bothered the old woman with. But she didn't seem to mind. Enjoying the youthful enthusiasm of the teenage boy.

"Yes. I own the library." She replied, using her walking cane to knock a branch that stood in her way.

"Can you understand the language?"

"No. N
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