108: Never trust a pretty face

A new day, and for once Corey had no questions to ask. That was mostly due to the fact that he was drowning. His eyes checrd around the blue sea. The color so thick he couldn't see anything. Not even his teacher that was supposed to be leading the class on an underwater tour. Corey could sense the woman and his classmates but he had developed a horrible habit o meditating anytime his brain started to overthink.

He didn't think it was a bad thing until now, when he had let his body drift to the bottom while he emptied out this mind he was still at a loss for what to do about Edward Feldman's arrival. And meditating helped him find peace.

Not the kind of peace Juno had, but the it was enough to keep him distracted. Corey eventually joined the class after his little break, the cold water felt nice against his leather suit. The scuba gear was uncomfortable but he had no choice but to wear it. The premise of the class was to expand the knowledge of the sea.

And all Corey had learnt was tha
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