A world of piracy is also where a world of lies resides. Fathers leaving their children just to pursue some stupid dream of being a pirate, what the hell is that for? Thomas, an 18-year-old boy, son of a great pirate who is Edward "The Terror" Jack. He is now sitting on top of the roof of the fish shop he works in. He has been working as this shop's fisherman for 8 years now since he was 10. He lived alone for the past 17 years of his life. Since his father chose piracy over him, and he never really got to meet his mother, Thomas was basically orphaned at the age of 1 with no one to take care of him. The townsfolk of this small port town took pity of him, and they helped them as he was a kid. As he grows up, he started to know what he needs to do, and then, at the age of 10, he went to work as a fisherman. Because for some reason, being out in the sea is one of the most relaxing moments for him. When he is out there at the great blue, he always asks himself. What is so great about pir
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