Kevin had already gotten into his makeup session and was getting doused with golden covering on his body that seemed to glitter as he was dress as though he was some militant from the jungle. It was a fine one. They were going to yet make a commando out of him as a band was tied around his arm to elevate the look of his muscles. Kevin could not believe he looked this hot. The past weeks of workout which he had been doing on empty stomach did pay off and his abs were out. Although, they were not so firm, the makeup artist was so good that she made them seem more elaborate.

All through this session, she kept giving glances to Kevin. Seductive ones actually as she admired him greatly. She would sometimes when no one was watching flick her tongue at him but he was less interested in all of that.

Eventually, that session was done with and he had to wear a jacket as his dark birth mark around his back was not covered easily. They were worried he would sweat a lot during the shoot or he wou
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