"You're late, again." His manager said to him the moment he had arrived.

Kevin brought up a smile to his face that was supposed to have some apologetic effects. He had actually gone to drop off his friends and went to drop off Allen at the hospital. He had to see Maria who was beginning to stand for himself. Although it was brief, their connection to each other was evident, even to Allen himself who had asked them...

"Do I excuse you both?" He said.

"And you would promise to always excuse us?" Kevin asked him, teasingly.

"I'm kidding right now. I don't trust hooligans and models around women." Allen had said.

Kevin got carried away at this point that he had to stay with Maria quite longer, ignoring his calls which were reminders of the time he was supposed to make an appearance. He was quite engrossed with her that it had taken the intervention of Mike, the driver who had to come in and ask the receptionist where to find him. They knew Kevin was popular and when he said that he was hi
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