Kevin could not believe what had just happened with the principal. The influence of Don Quinton or his popularity but either way, it would come to seem as though he was actually swimming in the greatness of the time he found himself. The principal had taken it upon himself to punish the boys and to their dismay, they were to serve detention for two hours for the next two weeks. How funny as he used to be at the receiving end of all of this maltreatment.

Although he enjoyed it, he did not want his time at the top to seem like tyranny. He wanted to do better and he needed his focus on everything he was doing. Kevin and the boys left the office as he held the bag of ice to the little scratch on his forehead that was actually a little on the red side of things.

"I do hope this would not cause distortions to our star?" The principal had asked while escorting them out of his office.

"I'll be fine." Had been Kevin's response.

When they returned to class without the other two, it was easier
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