Kevin turned away as he finished sending the man and his group off after the signatures had been appended. He had not been informed the benefits prior but the sooner he signed, Glassman had the lawyer with him read off everything he needed to know about his new benefits. Kevin had never felt more gracious as he returned to his party. He smiled at everyone around before deciding to go up to his bedroom and at the very least get a little break before rejoining.

Kevin made his way upstairs and then he heard the sound from within. Someone was inside his bedroom.

"There's nothing here, Mickey." Vanessa was saying.

"There have to be. Why do you think a man such as Don Quinton Glassman would come find Kevin?" He asked her.

"Duh, perhaps he had something to discuss." She responded.

"With a young man in college? Are you even listening to yourself?" She asked him.

"Keep looking." He spat instead.

There was more ransacking sound.

"What would you rather I do or say? We have to get out of this pla
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