THE smoke of the old man's cigarette was billowing into the air. He who was leaning on the stairwell was staring into the distance towards the green expanse of rice paddies. Ameerul Husny took advantage of the 1-week holiday by visiting friends.

"You look deep in thought, what are you thinking about?," asked Ameera Husna while holding out a cup of coffee. Atok accepted it with a smile.

"Ameera, regarding what we discussed yesterday, I think it's time to tell you something"

"What is he? Does it sound like something serious?" Ameera Husna rested her back on the stairs below Atok. Ameera Husna looked up to hear what her uncle wanted to say.

"The truth is, Ameera and your late mother have reduced your late grandmother's abilities"

"Hah! Mama's soul is there? But, why did you never know? And you never saw it... I can't believe it..."

"That's right... maybe your mom is good at keeping it a secret before, she left us, she used to complain to uncle. It's not impossible if you say the 't
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