Chapter #157

Brandon spread his hands forward, and instantly the water in the infield pool was lifted up.

The water becomes a very sharp flake, of which there are very many.

Brandon stomped his right hand, and the water fragment also hit the big master's body.

The sound of screaming in pain, sounding extremely deafening, the huge master's body continued to be hit by lightning flashes and sharp and pointed water fragments.

Finally, the big master's body burned and floated far away, until finally it disappeared along with his screams.

Brandon exhaled a long and deep breath, and Brandon also sat weakly on the ground.

The tiger who came to help Brandon, roared very loudly. Then the Tiger turned to Brandon, as if to say, that Brandon owed him a favor.

While Joda neighed while raising his front legs.

The tiger ran out of the horse farm, and disappeared in the dark of night.

Everyone rushed towards Brandon, including Mrs. Grace who had been holding back tears since now.

"Brandon...!" cried Mrs.
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