
9 ratings


By: Ozilla Gold OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 151 views: 1.2K

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Maximus Akkris Gayle was a poor student, abandoned by his father's family. His girlfriend betrayed him, making him lose his temper and almost caused his own death. Not just that, his girlfriend left him for his step brother, Daniel Akkris Gayle. Maximus angrily attacked the Kera kingdom heir, making Daniel unleash his ability on him. Knocked out cold, he was presumed dead by his brother and his girlfriend showed no remorse towards what had befallen him. However, that was to be the end of his misfortunes because he awakened a system, The Ozilla Gold System which supplied him with money, and plethora of abilities endlessly. In exchange, Maximus will perform missions to earn system coins, which can then be used to acquire more wealth from the system. He can finally take revenge on those who trampled on him, dominating the world while helping the needy. **** But the endless supply of money didn't come free. The life-threatening missions which the system sends him on were objects of eternal nightmares to the hero, who suddenly found out that the fate of the entire world rests on his shoulders. Join Maximus Akkris Gayle in his thrilling but frightening adventures and face-slapping missions, having a wonderful time is definitely assured. THE OZILLA GOLD SYSTEM...

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  • Perch


    A great story with an amazing storyline. Please avoid advertisement of your other books, I would very much like to see the grand battle between Maximus Gayle and Vengeance god Black Heart

    2024-05-30 04:08:54
  • Queen Esther


    I am Queen Esther Joseph of The Ozilla Gold System

    2024-05-06 19:58:41
  • Beatrice


    The best. And I love that lady Esther Joseph. She's the best character and I wish she's real. I want to meet her

    2024-04-26 15:37:17
  • Chizoma


    This is the best book I have read so far

    2024-04-22 21:10:44
  • Uzochukwu Henry


    Wow, I'm so excited. This novel is the best.

    2024-04-14 20:05:53
  • Marvelgreat


    Excellent work. i am so hooked to it

    2024-03-13 19:38:35
  • Cassanova Writes


    Keep up the good work young author.

    2024-03-09 00:38:19
  • Ozilla Gold


    I believe with time this novel will make hit waves. I'm sorry for the few mistakes in chapters 2, 3 & 4. I've modified the novel to suit the readers tastes, I'm sure you'll love The Ozilla Gold System. Thank you... Author: Ozilla Gold.

    2024-02-26 17:02:34
  • Prudence


    The storyline is excellent, and I will definitely recommend this author. However, I have some suggestions: Shorten the blurb as it is unnecessarily long and may not effectively grab the readers' attention. Improve the book cover by making it more appealing to attract potential readers. Thank you

    2024-05-13 01:07:48
Latest Chapter
151 chapters
It is believed since ancient times that only King Midas had the power to create a miracle as whatever he touches turns to gold... A foolish misconception, just as Caesar Marcus Augustus Antoninus Aurelius once said: “The Creator has blest us each with heaven defying talent, some greater than others, but great nonetheless, all we have to do is simply unlock the full potential of these talents and we can create untold miracles..”Yet in an sixty years in the future, humans evolved and began to awaken their innate ability, a human could only awaken just one ability, but it wasn't so for everyone as not everyone could awaken their innate ability. Those who awakened were given great status while those who had no affinity with elements were regarded as the scum of the earth. * * * *“You seek redemption, I seek that which I crave the most: a sense of belonging. So tell me something oh wise one, which of us is the selfless one?” I said with a smirk on my face. Mangled
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Chapter 1
The grand hall was abuzz with students as they carried trays and lines up to be served their lunch. The silver doors opened up and the noisy hall quietened immediately, so quiet one could hear a pin drop.“That's the infamous talentless prince.” someone whispered.“A bastard prince. his whore of a mother was a maid, luckily she died in an accident before her common blood could taint the castle anymore than she already had when she gave birth to that useless son of hers.” another chipped in.“shh! He might hear you.” the first boy whispered, it wasn't that he was scared of the so-called talentless prince, no, he simply sought to avoid trouble.“I don't care. What can a common bastard with no talent do to a nobleman like me? I am already at the peak of rei-rank.” the second boy said as he watched the youth in question stroll towards the vending machine with an expressionless face. He was tall, lanky, a plain face and black curly hair, his eyes seemed to be devoid of life. At one glance
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Chapter 2
“Where is that worm!” a blond youth with amazing features, cruel eyes and a scowl on his face stormed out from a room. He was none other than Maximus' half brother; Daniel Akkris Gayle.“Worm!!” he screamed, making the castle ground shake as his earth ability leaked out.“Your Highness!” an old man came up to the raging Daniel.“Where is that worm? I need my room clean.” Daniel said with the air of a spoilt child.“Prince Maximus is still at the academy. He's not home yet.” the old butler answered. His face was expressionless as if none of these mattered to him.“Don't call that bastard by the same title as me.” Daniel was about throwing a tantrum when the butler used his telekinetic ability to lift him up and left him hanging on air. He then squinted his eyes and whispered to the Prince with all seriousness.“You are being trained to be the next king, I understand we have to keep up this childish charade so as to make the king less suspicious of you of anything, but don't you get int
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Chapter 3
“..Wh.. what.. what is this?” he could feel pain raking his body as he coughed again. He tried to sit up but fell back on a heap of trash. He raised his hand and touched around him, picking up what his hand found, he jumped up in shock.“Goddamn! They threw me into the public trash, did Daniel think I was dead?” he checked his body and was shocked to find out he was dressed in dirty rags and looked like a pig.“Fucken hell!” he cursed again, but few seconds later he grabbed his head as he felt a great headache.“It hurts! Damn my head hurts! What did I do!?” he gritted his teeth to endure the pain, then it was no more, the pain suddenly vanished.«Ozilla Gold System activated»Maximus heard a metallic high pitch female voice.“Who said that?” he became fearful. But the voice kept mute, he thought more and realize he didn't hear this voice with his ears, rather it was as if it communicated via telepathy.«Host's condition is critical, bypassing host's authorization, reconstruction of b
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Chapter 4
“Trashy system! Stupid gods and deities! What then makes you so powerful if you can't even clothe me!” Maximus kept on cursing at the system as he hid behind the trashcan, hoping not to get recognized by anyone, but sometimes Fate has another plan for our young protagonist.“Hey! Isn't that the bastard son of the Gayle family?” a black haired youth with big eyeballs voiced out to his friends, at this the group of four turned towards the direction he was pointing.“Well today seems to be my lucky day. It seems the gods favor me so much that they desire to see that weakling bow at my feet. I, Ronald Orlan, shall grant the gods their desire.” this youth was none other than the scion of the Orlan family, the peak rei-ranker wind ability user who once caused trouble for Maximus at the Silverado Academy.“Look how dirty he is, I bet you ten gold dramus his family threw him out.” Ronald said, then a mischievous smile played on his face.“Jacquel, use your telekinesis to lift him.” Ronald ord
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Chapter 5
In a dark alley, a battered trashcan laid bare as its contents were littered on the tarred floor, four unconscious youths laid on the floor as well, whereas the star attraction was the black haired youth with blue eyes who kept grinning for no good reason.«Host can copy up to ten different abilities from different entities and humans. Host must have physical body contact with the set person, then utter the command to copy, host must stay within reach of the set person for ten seconds to completely copy the ability.»The system's response seemed to be the greatest news Maximus has ever heard since his birth.“Ten different abilities! that will make me once in a zillion years prodigy. I will surpass even Daniel.” but then he stopped smiling and thought more on this.“No, that will create problems for me. I have to lay low and act normal as I have been, while I secretly build myself.” with half a plan in mind, Maximus decides to return to the company building, but first he still needed
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Chapter 6
Maximus could be seen seated inside an enclosed glass cubicle typing furiously on the keyboard of a desktop computer. He was so concentrated on whatever he was doing that he became oblivious of those around him.“Why can't I break down the firewall of the Orlan family security system?” Maximus queried. He had made the decision of robbing a first tier family just as the system tasked him to do, and he had chosen the Orlan family clan, why? Because Ronald Orlan has been a very big bully and jerk, and now Maximus wants revenge, and guess what? He's getting it legally... well by the system means that it.“This is one of the times I wish I am a tech ability user or I have one at my disposal. fuck this crazy shit!” he cursed again. He's actually been trying to hack into the Orlan family clan's security system for almost four hours with zero luck.“Alright, inputting the bypass authorization code here, here and here. I hope this works this time.” Maximus prayed to whatever god was out there
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Chapter 7
The next day at work, a lot of the employees were gathering in groups and speaking in hushed tones, their topic was none other than the break-in at the Orlan family clan mansion. Many stipulated it was a saint-rank invisibility ability user while others said it was a grandmaster illusion ability user, but the main perpetrator was grinning at himself inside an enclosed glass cubicle.“System, add fourteen points to strength, nine points to agility, eleven points to stamina, and five points to perception.” Maximus said.«That will be thirty nine system coins.» replied the system.“Take it. Now I am truly comparable to a beginner Master-rank fighter.” he smiled at himself.“If I face against Daniel now with my current stats I can beat him to pulp, well, only problem will be that fire ability of his.” Maximus thought aloud.“Now I have the resources I need to start a company, I have to do it far from here. It seems I will have to visit the library again. In the meantime, System show me my
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Chapter 8
[TWO WEEKS LATER]Triton City.A BMW X7 can be seen stopping in front of a five star hotel, the driver steps out and opens the back door, out came the most gorgeous man ever seen; dark blond curly hair, immaculate shaped oval face with a square jaw, ruby lips, gold colored eyes and well toned tall body, his surpassed all sexy models in all of Triton City. Dressed in a custom made golden suit, he strolled into the hotel, heading straight for the receptionist.“Hello Miss.” the man said with a smile that can make a thousand girls faint.“He..hello..sir” the female receptionist struggled to speak as she was mesmerized by the gorgeousness of the man in front of her.“Is the suite free? I will need it.” he said, his smile still on his face.“Of course Sir. Your name Sir?” she replied with her heads down so as not to lose focus over the handsome face of this man.“Ozilla, Ozilla Gold is my name.” he replied still smiling.“Thank you Sir. Here's your key Sir.” she said handing him a set of k
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Chapter 9
The next day Maximus thought it's best to establish himself as soon as possible, thus he left the hotel and decided to return to the bank, his aim was to enquire about the possibility of buying a company building and a house. He didn't want to go to any agency as that will cost him more.Maximus called his driver after he had his shower and breakfast, then he picked up a new gold suit, wore his pair of gold shoes and then went to elevator which took him downstairs. His driver was waiting for him at the reception lobby.“Good morning Mister Gold Sir, where do you wish to go to today?” the driver, a bald haired middle-aged man, he was of common blood with no affinity to any element whatsoever.“Morning George, take me to the bank. It's important.” Maximus said with the air of a rich businessman.“Right this way sir.” the driver gestured to the car outside.Maximus walked to the gold colored BMW X7, he had specifically money to get it painted yesterday, for now this will do, he plans to
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