Lyramel spoke quickly and without much emotion. Thanking the audience for their attention and patience, she congratulated everyone on the victory and awarded the generals and several stopmen. Then she presented certificates to the families of the dead officers. The Ruby Order of the Hyde was taken by Elikar. When Lyramel called his name, Falinor shuddered, silently turned away and defiantly moved away from Paraman standing next to her. Ignoring what was happening, the duke was quietly talking about something with Lord Astin, and, judging by the expression on his face, the conversation was clearly unpleasant for him.

- Go ahead. - Ali imperceptibly pushed Yakir in the side, causing him to blink in surprise. Thinking, he lost track of time and did not notice when the official part ended.

The musicians on the balconies began to play again, and the people began to part, freeing the center of the hall. Reluctantly stepping forward, Yakir greeted Karl, who was helping Liramel down fro
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