Waving his white mane, Snowball neighed loudly and, breaking into a gallop, rushed headlong along the path. Closing her eyes, Lyramel spread her arms out to the sides and exposed her face to the sun's muffled foliage. A warm breeze immediately blew into the wide sleeves of the dress and played in the hair. It seemed a little more - and she would take off. The speed pierced through body and soul, sweeping away everything but a jubilant, almost painful joy. Everything around was full of life. Liramel felt it in every breath, in every beat of her heart, and she wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

A bluish-blue shadow lay on the ground, cooling the warm colors in an instant. Liramel blinked as she heard the shout, and grabbing the reins, she turned around. Waving to her in greeting, Karl spurred on the black mare.

Did you decide to take a walk? she asked as they drew level. “I heard you have an appointment in the morning.

“Things can wait,” the brother dismissed, letting the ma
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