Jealousy in its purest form

“Are you open or not? And why’s everyone staring at me?” The lady questioned surprisedly.

“Because you look stunningly beautiful,” Sam didn’t know when the words left his mouth, but on second thought, he was glad he said it.

Flushes of red rushed up the lady’s cheekbones, she smiled and looked away feeling embarrassed at Sam’s straightforward compliment.

It wasn’t Charity’s intention but she felt bad anyway, she didn’t want to call it jealousy. Why exactly should she be jealous? Yeah, she liked Sam, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t compliment another woman

Yet she felt a tight squeeze on her chest looking at the way Sam focused on the lady. If she really wanted Sam, she would have rejected this job, now that she had accepted, it would be awkward to fall flat for your employer.

“Please come in and have a seat, we are open,” Sam finished up his statement, while the lady was still standing in front of him blushing.

He had never seen a lady so beautifully made, the first one was Ame
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