Aerys was taking to the steapest part of the mountains where there caves used to hold prisoners , he was chained both by hand and legs held to the wall like a piece of order was giving by trvor that he should be tortored and jamie saw to this explicitly

Inside the cave, Aerys was unchained and thrown to the floor. Jamie gave him a cold, cruel smile. "Consider this your new home, slave." he said as stripped and floged him mercilessly

Aerys lay there, feeling the cold stone beneath him. He could hear the sound of dripping water echoing through the cave, and the distant howling of wolves. Despite the darkness and bleakness of his surroundings, Aerys knew he had to find a way to escape. He needed to warn the people of Meidvere about the Vreions' cruel plans and the danger they posed.

aerys had already spent weeks being totured and carfully studying the terrain of the cave ,planing his escape with his litlle strength left.”you have an innocent face ,but youre not that innocent are you? Aerys looked up trying to trace where the voice he heard is comig from”who is there, aerys said ….you are probably thinking ofn how to escape i can tell you are a stubborn type ,but let me tell you ive tried and it didnt work ,so you shoul cut your loses and try surviving atbthe very least lyra said.

I have to get out of here ,I cant rot here .why are you so negative anyway I don't see you trying. “I’ve tried a number of times and I failed ,i’ve lost hope"

You were all by yourself then ,buh now you have me ,maybe if we work together we’d have a better shot.what do they have you inn for anyway, you don't look like much trouble.

Actually I wasn't at some point, my father was one of the leading generals of house trove,when pride rock fell and the royal family slaughtered he refused to bend a knee to jamie so he was captured along with the remaining loyal soilders.they made me a slave, i’m forced to watch my father suffer every day as I serve him and every other prisoner food ,they torture ,humiliate and break thier will.i couldn't bear the sight anymore so one night I sneaked into his chambers and tried running my dagger through his heart while he slept, but I was caught and thrown in here ,and the worst part is I don't even know if my father is alive or dead.

"I'm truly sorry to hear that, Lyra," Aerys said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "But we can't let our pasts define us. We must find a way to escape and bring an end to the Vreions' tyranny."

Lyra nodded solemnly. "You're right, aerys. We have to be strong, not just for ourselves, but for everyone we left behind. Let's find a way out of here and put an end to their rule once and for all."

Together, Aerys and Lyra began to plot their escape. They studied the layout of the cave, searching for any weaknesses or hidden passageways that could lead them to freedom. They whispered plans and strategies, knowing that every misstep could mean death or recapture.

This mountains holds the most of the vreion enemies and rebels and basically no one has escaped from it ever ,tho it’s far apart from the main land and covered with vast amount of water,the guards transport foods and water through a boat and theres a change in shift and gaurd duty every 2 weeks ,the senior guard always drops the master key at the warden’s office which is just a few cells passed ours then its picked up by the new acting senior gaurd for safe keeping. It unlocks the main gate and all the inner cells.Thats all good and all but assuming we do get out ,what next?

There's a secret tunnel that leads outside the mountain tho we’d have to swim through to we get out of the cave, there we’d find unoccupied boats heading back to pride rock after the gaurd change ,we board the ship and take command when were halfway through.

With their plan in place, Aerys and Lyra put their heads together and began to execute their daring escape.

“Help,please help!"areys shouted

A few guards rushed in to the hold of the inner cells as quickly as they could,” what’s wrong “ one of them asked ,the prisoner next to me was making a lot of noise ,I don't know but it sounded like she was chocking and he chains were making screeching noises like she was struggling, sounds like shes in a lot of pain.

Check it out ,she seems unconcious sir,”get the senior gaurd we need the master key"

The senior gaurd arrives and opens the inner cells with the master key,as they proceeded to go check on her another gaurd came running saying there was an emergency in the lower levels cell,most of the prisoners are chocking and being extremely agitated, “is this a flu or what how come so many of them are affected, you two bring her out and and make sure her situation is under control “the senior gaurd gave this order as he ran off with the other guards to check out the issue at the lower levels. This was aerys and lyras chance,as she was being brought out of her cell,areys also faked that he was also affected by whatever was going around and he was brought out of his cell to ,once they had thier chance they took out the tow two guards which left them with a couple of bruises.

“Come on hurry let’s go,no wait we need thier uniforms “

They took the uniforms and to the secret tunnel at the base of the mountain, avoiding the guards who were occupied with the state of panic they eventually got there .umm….aerys are you a good swimmer? “Not really tho it wont be that difficult the distance isn't far off from the boats right? Yea but I forgot to mention that the current flowing through the tunnel is very high, itd be hard to keep up.really and you just thought too mention that now? Well we don't have a choice do we ,we can't turn back now.

As they both faced the rushing water, Lyra held onto Aerys tightly, their hearts pounding with fear and determination. Aerys could feel the cold water against his skin as he took a deep breath, focusing on the task ahead.

With all their strength, they began swimming against the current. Lyra swam beside him, her green eyes fierce and determined. Aerys could see the courage in her, and it gave him the strength he needed to keep going.

As they swam, the water carried them towards the surface, and they could see a faint light filtering through the darkness above. Just when they were about to reach the exit, they were suddenly dragged under by the strong current. Aerys felt himself being pulled away from Lyra, his lungs burning for air.

"Lyra!" he screamed, desperately trying to reach her in the dark and turbulent water

Aerys fought against the current, clawing at the water and struggling to stay afloat. He could feel his strength fading, his body yearning for air. Behind him, he heard Lyra's faint cries for help, but he couldn't turn back. He needed to reach the surface and escape the cave, no matter the cost.

With a final burst of energy, Aerys broke through the surface, gasping for air as he treaded water. He looked around frantically for Lyra, but she was nowhere to be seen. Panic set in as he realized they had been separated in the treacherous water.

"Lyra!" he shouted, hoping that the sound would carry through the darkness. "Lyra, can you hear me? We have to find each other!"

Aerys scanned the water, searching for any sign of his dear friend,and suddenly a splash water came up and along with it Laura's unconscious body,he rushed over to her and held her tightly

in his arms, cradling her like a precious treasure. She was limp and cold, but Aerys refused to give up hope. He began swimming again, the harsh current making it difficult to maneuver, but he persisted, driven by their shared mission to escape the mountain and bring an end to the Vreion tyranny.

Eventually they spotted an unmanned boat belonging to the gaurds at the far ends of the the ocean,aerys climbed on gently setting down lyra and taking a deep breath and began tending to lyra

as she choked on the water that rushed into her lungs,determined not to let her die, he patted her back, trying to dislodge the water, he could see her chest slowly rising and falling, indicating that she was still alive.

At noon lyra came around still weak and tired ,she sat beside aerys who was sailing the boat

“Where do we go from here aerys ,i’m not sure they’d definitely noticed that were gone by now

“Yeaa we succeeded all thanks to Aren,if he hadn't laced the food like we had asked him to non of this would have been possible, a truly good friend.”

So we can't go to pride rock,how does far north sound?

Yea …it sounds really nice.

“Lord vreion, sorry to interrupt your dinner ,but we had a little problem at the prisoners hold on mount trove and two prisoners were able to escape

Have you identified who exactly?

Yes my lord,your captive aerys of Meidvere and a servant girl.

Hmm I see,and who was the commanding officer in charge ,

“I was sir"

Name them fugitives of the North, armed and dangerous I want them caught dead or alive.

“As you wish my lord “

Oh and officer ,believe me when I tell you that I will have both yours and your families heads if aerys escapes you again, and I don't make empty threats, now leave!

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