Chapter 30

The argument got John to wake up from the bed. He robbed his eyes with the back of his palms and he rubbed his eyes for a while.

He saw them entangled in a heated argument and he began to Wonder Why they were actually arguing.

He stared at them for a while and he wanted to say something. But he could barely hear himself due to their yelling talk less of the other way around.

"Will you guys just keep shot and stop disturbing my sleep." Hr yelled at the top of his voice and they seemed to stop what they were doing almost immediately and they turned over to him for a while without spitting out a single word at him

They shot penetrating stares at him and he expected them to say something but non of them did that and it got hi even more Confused than he was already.

"What the heck is wrong With all of you and if don't mind, can someone actually tell me what is going on here?" He yelled at the top of his voice again and it seemed to get some sort of attention

"I Wonder if this is how you gu
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