Emma's father is a tender man who loves his daughter very much. To achieve her happiness, he is ready for anything. Unfortunately, this time, he would like to put the interest of the family business before the happiness of his daughter and that is why he agrees to make a deal with Izibio. It is an agreement that will benefit many people. As for Emma, she has a plan in mind. A plan that she will not hesitate to execute after her marriage to Pedro.


Since meeting Emma, Pedro is no longer the same man. He is getting more and more complicated and no one can joke with him. Even his father Izibio can't joke with him. Today is Sunday and Izibio had planned to visit Emma and her father. However, Izibio forgot to inform Pedro as well. So he goes to Pedro's room and knocks. Pedro allows him to enter and once inside, Izibio smiles at him first and then tells him to get ready to leave for Emma's house at 10:00. It was 8:30 when he spoke to Pedro. After hearing his father's w
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