165: EMMA.

" I think Dad went too far this time. It seems to me that he is still trying to control my life.That's something I hate. "

Pedro is in his room and he was whispering words. He was angry and didn't know what to do. Nevertheless, he was sure that he would not agree to marry a woman he did not know. Without further ado, the door to his room opened. It was Emma, the businessman's daughter. She is a charming lady with a radiant face. Her beauty attracted many men to her, but she did not allow any man to flirt with her. And when Pedro saw her in his room, his heart started beating very fast. On top of that, he also had a headache.

" Hi dear friend. I hope you are well." Emma said in a soft, seductive voice.

In response, Pedro was silent for a few seconds and looked tenderly at Emma. The lovely lady salutes Pedro again before he realizes it.

" Uh.... Hello. Sorry for the time I used to reply to you. " he said with difficulty.

" Don't worry about it. I am here to speak with you. I hope you ar
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