Chapter 47: Confession

In one of FAH's office cafeterias, staff members gathered in small groups, their voices low and tense as they discussed the closure of Malcolm's company and the allegations against Malcolm and Audrey.

“I heard they got shut down because of some legal trouble,” whispered one employee, her eyes darting around.

“Yeah, and I learned Malcolm and Audrey are being accused of stealing the company from Eren and Fred,” another added, her tone filled with disbelief.

As the gossip spread like flame, John, who had been keeping a low profile, asked some staff members some strange questions about FAH. He seemed interested in FAH company's operations and its connections, rather than concentrating on his department. He asked questions about the CEO and wanted to have seen off to other staff present there.

One loyal staff member, sensing something amiss, informed Eren about John's inquiries. She approached him, her heart pounding with nervousness.

“Mr. Eren, I need to talk to you,” she said, her voice
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