42: Just when it seems...
He wanted their failure.

He wished for the instant failure of Leo's company..and he was going to make sure of that.

After reading through the news he had seen online, he got out his phone to make a guess . It was a call which he hadn't made for a while now.

And as soon as he called the line, the person on the other end of the line answered without much hesitation.

"Hello? What's it?"

Mr Ed forced on a smile "Hello, Mr James. It's been a long time. I can't remember the last time we spoke"

"oh, Ed. Right. It's been long indeed. So what made you call me this time? Is there something you want?" Mr James asked on the other end.

"Yeah.. actually let's meet up somewhere. I want us to discuss it one on one" Mr Ed requested.

"Okay," James agreed.

Later that day both of them had agreed and met up together. They had met up at an expensive restaurant. It was where they had planned to discuss.

Having met, they exchanged pleasantries and had asked certain questions regarding their past..th
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