Chapter 278: Xandra’s Investigation

The traitors were all bound and captured and were being treated for their wounds as the rest of the village gathered around the area.

Merick spoke, and numerous stones were placed to be at the hearing of all, including the traitor.

“Xandra’s investigation was geared to find a certain cause which she knew would be hidden from her,” Merick explained.

“I… was enraged. I was too angry to think. But now that I think about it… she was right.” Merick’s voice trembled. He had never believed it to be so. But before them, the evidence of what Xandra feared was presented before them.

“We’ve… proven it to be true. And therefore, this secret would have been the one secret that the Warlocks would have erased. When they saw Xandra and my wife, Rachel, posing as traitors, all evidence regarding what numbed their emotions would have been kept hidden. Xandra became someone that the Warlocks couldn’t afford to lose with all of her connections. This one secret is that something has altered the emotions o
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