
After all of the alcohol and food, everyone consume the previous night they couldn't do anything but sleep so that's what everyone did, many fell asleep on the table, some inside the bar, and others on the floor but ORION was responsible enough to go back home, they slept peacefully on their bed


Teras heard a man laugh like a maniac

"What's so funny?"

He asked, but the man still kept on laughing his soul out, he couldn't catch a breath

"Shut up!"

Teras yelled but the man just barely managed to contain himself

"Sorry, sorry! I just couldn't believe that you thought you won!"

Suddenly the dark surrounding where Teras and the man stood turned into an arena formed by many people, the man had blood on his head and Teras was holding the blade that caused the bleeding of the man

"You are bleeding I don't see a reason laughing this much"

Teras replied as he inspected the sword in his hand

"I'm laughing at you kid! How can you be this stupid? To think that you actually think you
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