Getting The Hang of Things

Luke starts the second round with a hand valued at 21. With both an ace and a jack in his possession, Luke was set to take control of the next round and hopefully secure himself a clean victory. But knowing how this game was played, Luke knew that just having the perfect hand wouldn't secure his victory. A hand as rare as this was nothing in the face of this game's many rules.

"watching as everyone takes their first turn peacefully, Luke decides to play things a bit riskier. Rather than waiting on his perfect hand. he decided to enter into the shop and immediately sell his ace, netting him an additional 11 chips putting him at a solid 13. After selling his ace, Luke finishes his turn by hitting, raising his card value to 19.

With this, the first set is finished as everyone moves into the second set of the round. Luke watches as player 1 removes one of their cards and then activates an item that he had yet to see in action.

Activating the 'Thief' item, Player one steals one of playe
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