Chapter Twenty two

Marco yawned for the umpteenth time since the meeting started. They said so many things that he couldn't keep up plus he was hungover and still hungry.

He just sat there and pretended to listen when all he wanted to do was go home and fall on his bed before falling into a deep sleep.

Marco sat in the stiff leather chair, his eyes glazed over as the bankers around him continued to drone on and on about interest rates, investments, and stock market trends. His stomach growled, but he dared not interrupt the monotonous conversation to ask if there was any food available.

He was late for the meeting and if he asked that now, he would be considered irresponsible the last thing Marco wanted to do was give them something to talk about.

As much as he tried to concentrate on what was being said, his mind kept drifting to other things. Specifically, he couldn't stop thinking about doing an apartment hunt, listening to them made him realize that if he was going to invest in properties and stocks
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