Standing Up for a Friend

Zachary felt annoyed at Rashad's words, but he appreciated Malaya's intervention. "I am interested in purchasing this phone, and I can afford it," he said, trying to keep his voice calm.

Malaya smiled at Zachary. "Of course, I'm happy to help. What questions do you have about this phone?"

Meanwhile, a rich-looking man had been browsing the store and liking the same phone model. As he approached the counter to make his purchase, Rashad couldn't resist taking another jab at Zachary. "Looks like this guy can't keep up with the big spenders. But you, sir, can certainly afford the best," he said, turning his attention to the wealthy customer.

Due to Malaya's respect for him, Zachary was determined to purchase the phone he had set his sights on. Malaya allowed him to process his payment and handed him the card reader. Zachary inserted his card and began the transaction, but a red error message soon appeared on the screen.

Rashad raised an eyebrow and looked at Zachary skeptically. "It seems your card has been declined. Are you sure you have enough funds to make this purchase?" His tone dripped with sarcasm.

"There seems to be an issue with my card," Zachary said, trying to hide the embarrassment in his voice. "May I please call my bank to resolve this?"

Rashad's smirk only grew wider. "Why don't you head out and come back when you've got the money to spare? You're not fooling anyone, less brain."

As Rashad continued to mock Zachary, Malaya interrupted him, saying, "That's enough, Rashad. Let the customer call his bank to resolve the issue."

Rashad rolled his eyes, but Malaya turned her attention to Zachary and said, "Don't worry about him. Please feel free to make your call, and we'll be here to help you with the purchase when you're ready."

Zachary nodded, grateful for Malaya's intervention, and stepped aside to make the call.

After a few minutes of discussion, the man decided to purchase the phone using his card. Rashad swiped the card, and to his satisfaction, the transaction was successful.

"Congratulations, sir, the payment has gone through!" Rashad exclaimed, feeling a sense of triumph. He looked over at his colleague, Malaya, and shared a smile of accomplishment.

The man looked satisfied as he received his new phone, thanking Rashad before leaving the store.

Rashad turned to Malaya and said, "You know what, Malaya? I think I'm the best salesperson in the city. You could learn a thing or two from me." He then glanced over at Zachary and continued, "I always know who my customers are, and who they're not."

Zachary thanked the representative and hung up the phone.

Zachary turned to Malaya, his face slightly red. "I'm sorry to say that I haven't received the scholarship yet, so the amount I have isn't enough to buy the new phone," he explained.

Rashad laughed, "Ha, I knew it. You're trying to give off the impression that you're not poor, but the truth is out now. As I said, you should focus on making money instead of wasting our time, poor guy."

Zachary felt angry. However, he also feel apologetic towards Malaya. She had been polite to him, but now he was sure he had disappointed her.

Malaya looked sympathetic. "I'm sorry to hear that, Zachary. We do have some second-hand phones that are more affordable. Maybe one of those would work for you?"

Zachary feels relieved because at least he can help her. "Yes, I think that's a good idea. I'll take a look at the second-hand phones."

Malaya smiled reassuringly. "No problem, Zachary. Let me show you what we have."

As they walked over to the second-hand phone section, Zachary felt embarrassed that he couldn't afford the new phone. He apologized to Malaya for wasting her time and thanked her for her understanding.

As Zachary was processing his payment, Rashad took the opportunity to make a comment. "At least you didn't run away immediately when I revealed your identity. To be honest, I hope to see you again and see what lies you come up with next time."

Zachary looked at Rashad and said, "I hope to see you again as well."

This surprised Rashad, but before he could respond, Zachary left the store.

Zachary checked his wristwatch, noticing it was almost eight in the evening. He returned to the bus stop, taking a 30-minute ride before reaching the Sanda Art Museum.

As Zachary and Emma met up, he explained the incident with his phone that had happened earlier. "While we were talking on the phone, someone robbed me of my phone," he said, his voice filled with regret. "I thought I could buy a new phone with the scholarship I received, but I haven't received it yet."

Emma expressed empathy and understanding, and the two made their way into the museum. The building was magnificent, resembling a large white villa with a long red carpet leading to the entrance.

"By the way, when will you officially receive the scholarship?" Emma inquired.

Zachary replied, "The scholarship money will be deposited into my bank account tomorrow."

Emma nodded in understanding and said, "I have an idea now."

Curious, Zachary asked, "What's your idea?"

Emma hesitated for a moment, then decided to steer the conversation differently. "Anyway, this museum is so beautiful. I've never been here before. Have you visited before?"

Zachary shook his head, "No, I haven't. It's my first time here too."

After a delightful evening surrounded by art, Zachary and Emma sought refuge on a tranquil rooftop terrace, where they could savor a dinner while taking in the magnificent cityscape. As they shared this peaceful moment, their bond grew more pungent.

As they finished their meal, Emma reached for the bill, and suggested they split it. Zachary felt a surge of admiration towards Emma for her thoughtfulness and independence, which he found incredibly attractive.

Zachary was grateful that he had met such a special girl and he knew that he wanted to see her again.

Zachary went to the university the following morning. As he walked down an empty corridor toward his class, he suddenly heard a commotion. A group of students, about four to five people, were bullying another student. The leader, a tall guy with combed hair, pushed the student to the ground.

Zachary didn't want to get involved and continued on his way, but then he realized the student being bullied was Kolby.

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