CHAPTER FIFTY THREE: My little princess.

"Hey, wasn't expecting you", Angela smiled more to herself as she opened the door for Joseph.

Guess she had hit a jackpot unknowingly today. Joseph would make sweet love to her today. She would make sure of it.

Joseph fit into her outstretched arms and inhaled deeply.

He gave her a kiss on the nose instead and closed the door.

"You coming from work?", she tried to start a conversation as she took the abandoned remote to change the TV station.

Joseph still said nothing. He took off his jacket and hung it, his shoe followed suit.

"Joseph?" Angela sat on a love seat as she waited expectantly for Joseph to respond.

Joseph joined her and gave her another peck on the cheek.

He held her hand in his, looking into her eyes like he was looking into his whole world.

"Let's have sushi together. What do you think?"

He just wanted to have her next to him and he didn't want to give her the impression that he only came around for sex.

"Okay", Angela nodded. She didn't know what thoughts were swim
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